About Us


I started making furniture with my husband a few years ago when I quit my job in the corporate world and decided to move to the countryside to enjoy family life, peace and the beauty of nature. Woode&Home Family is my second child, in which I put my whole heart into “upbringing”. People who co-create this brand with me are part of my professional family. In my work, I try to take care of every detail. I hope you will love these products as much as I love creating them. 




In Wood&Home Family I am responsible for designing furniture, which (I hope) you have already had the pleasure to see. In my projects I always aim at unique design, maximum usability and extraordinary craftsmanship of the offered products. My duties also include project supervision and quality control. I am a Landscape Architect by education, which makes my work in our team much easier. I am very happy to work with such exceptional people.




I am a person who feels like I have always been part of Wood&Home Family. I love working with people, creating something unique and giving positive energy. I am a psychologist by education, but I also love being a photo stylist and creator of beautiful things. I am responsible for contacting you, running social media and taking photos with the help of my photographer’s husband. Privately, I am a mother of a wise and beautiful girl, and hopefully mother of a healthy son soon.

